I work to develop paintings and drawings that speak to the human condition and the energy people hold. My subjects are often explorations of paradoxical emotions and sense of reality. Identity is at the core of my work. How do trauma, memory, and perception play into our own sense of self? 

“Whenever two people meet, there are really six people present. There is each man as he sees himself, each man as the other person sees him, and each man as he really is.” William James
Artist Biography 
byautumnlily is a 23-year-old artist based in Berlin. Using oils, acrylics, mixed media, digital animations, and poetry, she expands her creative process to whatever medium she desires to carry her intended expression. Starting her love for drawing as a young child she pursued art classes in public school and at the age of 15 attended her first oil painting class with professional artists. Learning from established creatives in high school during her free time she attended live drawing sessions and painting courses at City Art, a local art studio in South Carolina. Following her time under the influence of professionals she decided to pursue art in college at the University of South Carolina School of Visual Art and Design. After three years of honing her craft and exploring photography and video, she ventured alone to Europe, leaving her country for the first time to gain experience in Florence, Italy as a gallery assistant and taking traditional oil painting courses at Florence University of the Arts. As the first generation in her family to leave the US she continued exploring her love of travel and language learning as she has spent time solo traveling through western Europe, and continues to pursue art as her passion. Currently based in Berlin-Wedding she continues working in oil paints.
Photography by Shotbyschwenk on Instagram
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